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Futures & Destinations (Careers)

Our Futures and Destinations Overview provides a framework for pupils and their families of potential destinations when they leave Oakley School, we recognise destinations may change in line with pupils needs.

Strategic objective 2023-2026:

"Extend relationships within the community to improve the outcomes of pupils with SEND and their families during their time at Oakley and in preparation for their future."


Supporting our young people to discover what they would like to do when they are older is part of how we support pupils at Oakley for their next steps after school. For more information please read our Futures & Destinations (Careers) Policy


We start this from Phase 1 with role play and identifying who helps us and continue this work through to Phase 4. We work with pupils and their families to support and shape future & destination choices. 

 Key Contacts:-


Charlotte BartlettAssistant Headteacher & Careers
Lizzie Bentley BowersChair of Governor,

Daniel Pikett MA, QCD, BA

Level 7 CDI-RCDP #566886

Founder & Careers Adviser 


For all general enquiries please e-mail or phone 01892 823096

Work Experience
A variety of employers/organisations have supported our pupils to participate on a regular
weekly/termly basis for work experience.


  • Co-operative supermarket
  • Waitrose supermarket
  • Bat and Bull station café
  • Hever castle
  • White Rocks farm

Encounters with employers
Employers have visited and given on line training to our pupils to give an understanding of different
work environments and the opportunities there are available.

  • Trinity Theatre
  • EDF Energy Careers – Zoom tutorial
  • Auto Sector Assisted Employment - Zoom tutorial
  • NFU – on line tutorial learning about working in a vets/animal care

Careers Guidance
CV writing – visual CV boards
Job investigations

World of Work
Pupils have visited and experienced learning in a variety of organisations and colleges.


  • Bore Place
  • Arden Mini garage
  • Mid Kent College Maidstone

Futures & Destination Events


23rd November 2023 2pm – 5pm Venue: Oakley School Tonbridge Site (TN10 3JU)

Oakley School hosted a successful Futures Destination event for pupils and parents in Phases 3 and 4. We were pleased to welcome the following organisations: 



      Monday, 15th May to Friday, 19th May 2023 - Phase 4 Work Related Learning Week

      We encourage all Phase 4 pupils to take part in a Work-Related Learning placement to develop their confidence and skills for life and independence. Families are asked to help find suitable placements through friends and family and ideally placements which are near home, enabling pupils to travel to and from the placement as independently as possible in order to get a more real-life experience of working. 


      We can support any families who are struggling to find suitable placements - please contact Charlotte Bartlett, Phase 4 Leader:  

        Wednesday, 22nd March 2023, 9.30am to 12noon on our Tonbridge Site (TN10 3JU)

        There was a wonderful atmosphere as our pupils and their parents/carers explored some of the options available to them when they leave Oakley School. Thank you to all the Post-16 Education & Training providers and employers who came along to support the event.


        Below are just some of the organisations who attended:




        Thursday, 23rd March 2023 - Oakley pupils become Sports Commentators for the day!

        Phase 4 pupils took part in a Class Commentary workshop with Dan Strange, a broadcaster of Olympic Games, World Cups and Paralympics and Clare Griffiths, a five time Paralympian and now a commentator too. Clare was Great Britain's Wheelchair Basketball Captain for London 2012.


        It was so inspirational  - our pupils were so engaged and involved, learning about and practicing their interviewing and commentating skills. Their behaviour was exemplary and even the shyest ones had grown in confidence by the end of the day. The workshop ran from 9.15am to 2.45pm and everyone was buzzing and talking about it all day.


        Dan sent an email after the event: ‘Can I say how fantastic we thought the pupils were. Funny, interesting and extremely polite, with so much character.’

         Where do pupils go when they leave Oakley School?




        Number of

        Pupils/Leavers July 2022

             Number of

        Pupils/Leavers July 2023

        The Oaks College66
        Mid Kent College30
        North Kent College12
        White Rocks Farm10
        Adult Services20
        Support Internship10
        Working with Parent10
        Grove Park 6th Form10
        St Piers, Lingfield01
        EHCP Ceased01