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Phase 1 - Minibeasts

In Phase 1 the children are aged between 4 and 9 years old and learn through an adapted Early years curriculum. We focus heavily on the Prime areas of learning; Communication and Interaction, Personal, Social and Emotional development (Making relationships and Managing feelings) and Physical Development including self-care skills as well as fine and gross motor skills. Through an individualised curriculum we also work on the specific areas of learning; Literacy, Maths, Understanding the World and Expressive arts and design (Music, art & Role-play).


The Phase 1 Curriculum focuses on creating exciting and engaging experiences where each child’s interest in learning can grow and develop. Children will learn through a balance of adult directed and child led learning where children will have access to both inside and outside environments.


Adults will follow children’s interests to help them learn new skills and consolidate previous skills, whilst also encouraging them to try new things and take risks in a controlled and safe setting. Adults will promote independence at every opportunity in the school day.


We work closely with Parents/Carers in Phase 1 to support each child’s individual progress of the curriculum, Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) objectives and overall engagement and wellbeing. Parents/Carers are encouraged to evidence learning observed at home alongside staff evidencing learning in school. Parents/Carers can also attend ‘Stay and Play’ sessions where they can experience how their child learns and uses skills within the school environment.


We focus strongly on learning outside as well as in the classroom environment. We create many opportunities for children to use outside environments for them to explore and enhance their learning. Learning outside the classroom allows the children to explore the different seasons, natural materials and by leading their own learning through play. Each class has their own outdoor area and we also have weekly sessions in the forest where we follow the children’s interest in a more open/natural environment.

The children attend weekly physical and sensory lessons where the children develop their gross and fine motor skills and engage in a variety of sensory activities.


Throughout the year we enhance the learning opportunities for the children through trips and welcoming a range of visitors.

Class Teams

Example Timetable

Skills for Life & Independence


At Oakley, we strongly believe that independence can be taught from an early age. Through the Early Years we create many opportunities for children to practise their independent skills. This includes hygiene where the children brush their teeth, wash their hands and wash their face; personal care where we encourage children to carry out toilet and dressing routines with increased independence; following routines such as tidying up after snack time and learning activities; selecting and getting their own resources; and staying safe in their environment.


We also develop social skills such as turn taking, sharing resources, following and carrying out instructions, collaborative play, waiting patiently and being kind towards adults and peers.


Through the Early years curriculum the ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’ contributes towards their skills for life and independence. These include:-


  • Finding out and exploring
  • Playing with what they know
  • Be willing to have a go
  • Showing concentration and focus
  • Keep on trying
  • Enjoying what they are achieving
  • Having their own ideas
  • Making links
  • Choosing how to carry a task out


We believe that that it is essential to focus on the ‘Whole Child’, ensuring children develop in confidence, their skills for learning, and their growing independence of life skills.
