Phase 3 follow the Creative Curriculum. The curriculum is creative and intends to engage and inspire the pupils with their learning in order they make progress. The curriculum themes provide progression from Phase 2 topic based learning, enabling pupils to discover their own interests. Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural development is at the heart of teaching and learning within this curriculum.
In Phase 3, the Class Teacher is the person responsible for overseeing all aspects of the pupils’ education and for monitoring their progress within their class.
Oakley offers a wide range of trips to enhance the curriculum, for example, trips to the theatres, museums and art galleries, using local community facilities, sports matches and PE enrichment afternoons. Oakley also offers residential trips, including an annual Ski trip to enable all learners to maximise their potential and achieve.
Skills for Life & Independence are a paramount objective of Oakley School, and as such we embed these skills throughout our curriculum and school day.
Within Phase 3, pupils take part in one lesson per week designated for developing and consolidating a range of skills for life & independence. These lessons include skills such as how to cook simple meals, how to wash, iron and store clothes, how to plan an event, how to navigate a familiar and an unfamiliar area, as well as using key skills that pupils would use in a place of work. As pupils progress through Phase 3, the skills learnt are consolidated and become more complex, giving our pupils a more robust knowledge and understanding of how to care for themselves, with as high a degree of independence as possible.
Pupils embark on an accredited course entitled ‘Life & Living Skills’, for three lessons per week. In this, pupils develop and consolidate their skills for life & independence further. Pupils take part in learning more complex skills, such as travelling within the community, using community facilities, shopping on a budget, and a wide range of work experience skills. When pupils reach the end of Year 11, we aim to have pupils conducting themselves with as high a degree of independence as possible, preparing them for their next stage of education, or indeed moving on to work in the wider community.