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Our top priority at Oakley School is the safeguarding of our children and young people.  We follow safer recruitment legislation and guidance for all staff and volunteers and have access to expertise within our Local Authority and other specialist agencies and services.  If you, or your child have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads:-

Telephone: 01892 823096 or e-mail


Our safeguarding policies can be found at the bottom of this page.  In addition, we hope the links and resources below are helpful.  Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns or need any advice, we can work together to keep our children and young people safe.


Additional support can also be found by contacting:-


  • Children Families and Education – Social Services (Central Referral Unit): Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm  03000 411 111 Out-of-hours 03000 419191
  • Kent Police 01622 690690 (24 hours)
  • NSPCC 0800 800 5000
  • Childline 0800 1111 (if you are a child or young person you may wish to contact Childline)
  • National Domestic Violence helpline 0808 200 0247


Kelsi website

Kelsi is Kent County Council's website and as well as containing a variety of guidance and information for schools, it has a lot of useful and current information on child protection and safeguarding.


Kent County Council have produced guides for parents and carers on one of the current issues affecting children and young people - knife crime and gangs.  Copies of the leaflets can be found at the bottom of this page.


The Child Exploitation and On-line Protection Centre (CEOP) works across the UK tackling child sex abuse and providing advice and guidance to parents, young people and education professionals.


thinkuknow website

This CEOP website has lots of advice and guidance for parents and carers, as well as video clips and resources you can share with your children and young people, to help their understanding of safeguarding issues. 


On-line Safeguarding

The NSPCC guide to the social networks your children use.


The NSPCC's #ShareAware campaign and its resources, enables parents and carers to ‘untangle’ the online world and to help them to teach the children to be ‘Share Aware’.  The campaign focuses on the need to talk to children about online safety, much like we do "real" world safety such as crossing the road, bullying and speaking to strangers.  


Other websites that provide good, practical advice are:-

ChildNet Int

Internet Matters


Safer Internet


The NSPCC website also has "PANTS: The Underwear Rule". With the help of their friendly dinosaur Pantosaurus, PANTS is a simple way to talk to your child about staying safe from sexual abuse. The resource can be accessed using this link.



The School is anti-bullying.  Please see our Anti-Bullying policy.  If parents or carers have any concerns, they should contact their child's Form Teacher in the first instance.  Alternatively, they should contact  


Historical sex abuse in football

There has been a lot in the press about historical sex abuse in football, if you are concerned, further guidance and support can be found at


Extremism and Radicalisation

This website offers parents practical advice on protecting children from extremism and radicalisation. 


Let's Talk About It - Working Together to Prevent Terrorism

Following events in London and Manchester in 2018, the Prevent & Channel Strategic Manager of KCC's Education Safeguarding Team shared the following useful link (see below) to a website that offers support for all of us in keeping safe. 


What to do in a Terror Attack

In the event of a Terror Attack, the advice from the police is to RUN - HIDE - TELL.  Please watch this short video:


National Crime Agency - Child Exploitation & Online Protection Centre (CEOP)

Has something happened online that has made you feel worried or unsafe about someone or yourself:-


Fire Safety

Following the Grenfell Fire in 2017, Kent County Council (KCC) undertook a systematic check across its estate to identify any buildings of a similar construction. Fire Risk Assessments are a school delegated responsibility and in order to collate the latest position across the schools estate, KCC issued a mandatory fire audit return to all schools for which KCC has a management responsibility (this includes Oakley School). In addition, KCC undertook a fire safety audit of all premises including schools.  Additional guidance is available on reducing the risk of fire in your home, please see below.
