Oakley School is committed to working in partnership with all families to provide the best learning opportunities and environment for our children and young people.
My name is Suzanne Benson and I have been Oakley’s Family Support Worker since January 2024.
My aim in school is to provide support, advice and information to the families within our school community. I can help to support you with concerns you may have in relation to your child's education, behaviour and well-being. I am also here as someone to talk to if you need it!
We now have a Family Room at the Tunbridge Wells site and this provides a space for meeting families in 1:1 sessions, small groups, drop-in sessions as well as workshops/ training. Advice and support is confidential, although concerns relating to the safeguarding of children will always be dealt with in accordance with the school's Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy. I may not have all the answers, but hopefully we can help you to work out how to find them!
You can contact me via the main school telephone number 01892 823096 or email: sbensonoakley.kent.sch.uk
Uniform is worn by pupils from Years R-11 (all classes except Phase 4 pupils on our Tonbridge site) and provides our pupils with a sense of belonging and pride in being part of Oakley School.
Our uniform comprises of:-
P.E. kit:
Only the sweatshirt, polo shirt and white P.E. T-shirts have the school logo and so have to be purchased from the School.
Please make sure that all items are clearly marked with your child’s name.
Backpacks with the school logo are also available to purchase.
Phase 4 Tonbridge Site
Pupils in Phase 4 are not required to wear a school uniform. However, the clothing worn by pupils must be appropriate, safe and practical for school use.
Jewellery: A minimal amount of jewellery is permitted. Pupils who have pierced ears may wear small studs but not hoops. All jewellery must be removed for PE.
A selection of Second Hand uniform is available from the Friends of Oakley (PTA) for a donation.
You may be able to get free school meals for your child(ren). There is now a quick and easy online application system which enables you to apply direct to KCC – no need to go through the school office.
From September 2024 Caterlink will be the provider of school meals.
The price will be £3.35.
Payment is made via the Arbor app or Arbor Portal.
Oakley School as a Nut Free School. This issue affects pupils and adults, and we would ask that everyone supports and respects this to keep our school community safe.
Please find below the current version of our Home School Agreement. This outlines how we will work in partnership to meet the needs of our pupils.
After School Clubs currently run in Phase 2 (Tuesdays) and Phase 3 (Thursdays) on the Tunbridge Wells site and Phase 4 (Thursdays) on the Tonbridge site.
Activities include art, crafts, baking, music/dance, games and in the warmer months, trips out in the local community.
Clubs run from 3.15pm to 5.00pm. Pupils attending can bring a change of clothes. A drink and snack will be provided. Children need collecting from school promptly at 5pm. The cost is £3 per week for each child attending. This can be paid weekly or in advance.
We write to families inviting them to sign up for after school club, places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis initially and then on a rota basis.
If you live further than 3 miles from the school, the Local Authority can arrange school transport for your child.
Further information about how to apply can be found on the KCC website: