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Phase 4 - Castles

In Phase 4, pupils from years 10 to 14 are taught at the Tonbridge site. We follow a similar timetable to the other phases and base our learning on the Oakley Learning Journey with a view to giving the pupils the skills they need to live fulfilling and meaningful lives when they leave us. Every class is encouraged to explore the local community and put the skills they learn in the classroom to good use in the local area and beyond, developing their independence in a range of real-life situations.


All classes work with outside providers during the week. We have pupils that attend Bore Place, MidKent College or have work experience placements each week. We also have outside providers that come into school, such as the Trinity Theatre, to work on projects with individual classes. This extends their learning opportunities and allows the pupils to develop their independence; communication and interaction skills; and their social skills.


Phase 4 also work towards a range of accreditation outcomes. Depending on the needs of each individual, they may work towards Functional Skills in English and maths from Entry level 1 to Level 1 or beyond. They may also work towards a Life and Living Skills accreditation which encompasses every learning opportunity the pupils are given. In addition, we work towards the Discover and Explore Arts Award as well as encouraging the pupils to take part in the Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh award. Through Bore Place, some pupils work towards a Laser accreditation in Learning, Employability and Progression (LEAP).


In all aspects of their education, pupils in Phase 4 are encouraged to develop their independence; think about their futures and destinations; and link the skills they are learning to their aspirations for their next steps.

Phase 4 staff continue to work closely with families using a range of communication methods. The principal method is through ClassDojo, however we may also ring, email or meet face-to-face. We hold regular parents’ evenings, meet-the-teacher afternoons as well as run futures and destinations events that families are more than welcome to join. Further details can be found on our Futures and Destinations (Careers) page.

Class Teams

Example Timetable

Skills for Life and Independence

Skills for life & independence are a paramount objective of Oakley School, and as such we embed these skills throughout our curriculum and school day.

The Further Education Curriculum Map below outlines the courses that are taught across all pathways.

To enable each student to achieve their personal goals and participate fully in adult life, we focus on key skills development.


These are the four focus points that are taught throughout our curriculum offer.
