Saturday, 6th July was Oakley's annual Summer Fair. This year, in addition to all the usual activities and treats on offer, we had the official opening of our MUGA - Multi-Use Games Area - a new outdoor facility thanks to The Wooden Spoon Charity and their generous grant. We were lucky with the weather, it was so lovely and warm which attracted so many of our children and young people, their families and friends. The Fair had a lovely, friendly atmosphere with the pupils showcasing some of the things they do in school; our Makaton Choir sang for everyone, our Speech & Language Therapist demonstrated just how much fun the children have with Attention Autism to support their learning and some of our pupils demonstrated Tag Rugby.
There are so many people to thank for the success of the day; the Friends of Oakley (our PTA) who give up so much of their time to organise the event, Oakley staff who make donations and help out on the day, our parents and carers who support everything we do and finally our wider School community; local employers and businesses who donated raffle prizes, local supermarkets who donated fruit, the local emergency services who let the children climb all over their vehicles and charity and individual supporters and fundraisers. Collectively, it made the Summer Fair a joyful and memorable occasion.